La Mort d'Adam

Deuxième Mélopée de l'hypogée / The Death of Adam - Second Threnody of the Hypogeum

de J. Lambert-wild, J.-L. Therminarias, F. Royet et T. Collet

  • Theatre
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The 2010 archive

Jean Lambert-wild

Caen - The Réunion Island / Created in 2010

La Mort d'Adam © Christophe Raynaud de Lage


Part of the major project started in 1990 by Jean Lambert-wild, this new Threnody takes place in the heart of a kingdom that each individual possesses, mysterious and always troubling, sometimes shared, often secret: that of childhood. For the author-director, this kingdom is located in the middle of the Indian Ocean, on The Réunion island where he was born. A place of every type of magic, a place of every blend, this volcanic and dark earth became an inseparable part of the man who today goes back to these lands, in search of the child he once was. Through the life and death of the bull Adam, it is a whole adventure that will be told to us not only through words but also through images, cinematographic ones, music, specially composed for the show, and magic, which has fascinated Jean Lambert-wild for many years. Accompanied by the conjurer Thierry Collet, he will transform our view on this practice, halfway between the concrete and the marvellous, by having it serve a stage writing, by including it as a full-fledged and not an illustrative element of this quest for an early but always present experience. It is not the truth that interests the author here - because no "true truth" is contained in childhood memories - but the fable, made in almost equal parts of the imagination and the real, that can be composed then offered to be shared. Crossed by the voice of a father, the caress of a breath of air, the scents of a flower or fruit, this enigmatic itinerary, this blind progression, this inquiry in the country of identity, if ever it can be defined, will make us see the theatre as a place for every mystery, every daydream, like the world of childhood.


director Jean Lambert-wild
music supervisor Jean-Luc Therminarias
images François Royet
magical effects Thierry Collet
lighting Renaud Lagier
costumes Annick Serret

with Bénédicte Debilly, Jeremiah McDonald,
and the participation of Camille


production Comédie de Caen Centre dramatique national de Normandie
coproduction Festival d'Avignon, Le Volcan Scène nationale du Havre, GMEM Centre national de Création musicale de Marseille, CCAS, Théâtre de l'Union Centre dramatique national du Limousin
avec le soutien de la Région Basse-Normandie, de la Chartreuse de Villeneuve lez Avignon, du Théâtre du Grand Marché Centre dramatique de l'Océan Indien

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